Greeting by the Secretary-General

Dear delegates,

On behalf of the MUNBP organising team, I welcome you to this 11th edition of our conference. As all of you know, on the 15th of February, we will commence the journey through persuasive debating that will establish your place in the world for at least two days, when each of you will represent a country. This process has impacted many BetaniaPatmos students, and it is now your turn to experience all the MUN world has to offer.

It is not only a way to start learning how our the international order and the peace system work, but it also exposes all its participants to many values that would only be recognised through such projects. Thus, there is no doubt that this edition of MUNBP will bring about many dedicated, open-minded, and knowledgeable delegates that will surely start this road towards a diplomatic future.

One of these benefits, which many of the students are grateful for in the future, is the exposure to different cultures worldwide. I am confident in saying that all first-time delegates have never put their minds to how other countries view global crises, as much as how their citizens are personally affected by them. When preparing for such a conference, you must totally immerse yourselves in the position - the repercussions, benefits, moral and religious thoughts, historical context, and the population's opinion - of your adjudicated country. Once this empathy is gained, your view of society completely shifts, and there is no going back to ignorance.

I stand by all said in classes, both by us, Chairs, and your teachers, and it will all help you to better yourselves and the conference in which you will participate. Together, we can make MUNBP 2024 a great success and even let it mark the beginning of a long road towards diplomacy and peaceful problem-solving. 

I wish you all fruitful debates and good luck in MUNBP 2024.

Martí Vayreda

Secretary-General of MUNBP 2024